
33 Audio Reviews

19 w/ Responses


And this is exactly what this song delivers! Kick ass song, and I personally love CHAOS in my metal! I'm fairly picky though when it comes to deep vocals, however, you did an excellent job and ruled with your demonic growls! FIVE FOR YOU!

Keep up the great shit!

\m/ (-_-)


Tuesday does blow... hard.

Fuckin awesome song man! Obviously 5/5 and 10/10! Only score possible for this beast.

\m/ (-_-)

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Thanks dude! Glad you liked it~!\m/


Great song! Very well put together, and the guitar kicked ass. Loved the drums and the solos kicked ass! Totally awesome man! 5/5 and 10/10!

\m/ (-_-)

Weird... I'm not surprised at all...

JUST FUCKIN THRILLED! This was fuckin awesome man! I think you did more than blow them away... I think you reversed their insides, which then created a rift in their minds that blasted them through time and space, blowing them down into the earth's crust and straight to fuckin hell! You didn't just blow them away, you incinerated those bitches! Fuck... great song! 5 out of 5, 10 out of 10... should be more though!

\m/ (-_-)

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Thanks man. I don't want to insult anyone who covered this all in synths...but I just thought, with stuff like reason and FL at their fingertips...why wouldn't they make one that sounded really cool, rather than just cheesy. I mean there were a couple that were pretty good, but as far as having an arsenal like FL or Reason at your fingertips, they were pretty ....bland.
I'm still tweaking and fixing wrong notes and stuff...I have it pretty much down pat. And vocals soon too. I'm looking forward to doin them. haha. Anyways, thanks for the awesome review, you fucking monster of the industrial metalish kickassery stuffs!

Can't wait for this war...

...If music like this is gonna be playing! Great song. It has an awesome beat. I loved the guitar and the drums were well mixed and timed with the song. My only quarrel lies in the synthesis, it was a bit loud; However, this may be your intention; in other words to exaggerate portions of the song more than others to give it a certain "feel", and this song does manage to come off as unique. I personally think this song deserves a much better score, so 5/5 and 10/10. Keep it up.

\m/ (-_-)

Cebster responds:

hey thanks allot yeah i kinda wanted to make it um humbling, of over whelming like that horrible beeping sound haha

Mmmm Tasty

This song ruled more than a cricket bat at the pub! Anyways, loved the fast paced section 1:23 or so. I liked the ominous feel as well. Great song (seems unthinkable that it wouldn't be). Tastes like metal to me...



Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Thank you sir.\m/

\m/ (--.--] \m/

Great rhythm and drum beat add a lot to the headbanging quality of this song. It had great grinding guitar (which I love), as well as some heavy, fast-paced drumming (another thing I love). This song was pretty menacing and kick ass, hope you end up adding in the bass and vocals; I can't see how this would be anything less than fuckin awesome when finished. Let me know if there is a way to eventually get the whole song. Keep it up!

5/5 & 10/10

SIDE RANT: I felt like I needed go start a fight just to be allowed to keep listening to this relentless metal-piece... but I was the only one around... so needless to say got my ass kicked.

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

hahaha, thats funny shit, man. I don't know how long it will be before I get to it. My computer is being a bitch and my cubase and guitar rig are NOT co-operating! But I can mail you the whole song when it is done if you want, bro! Thanks for the awesome review, and....don't be so hard on yourself!! hahaha\m/

Beyond impressive

So this song ruled hard... like really hard. I loved the rough grinding guitar in this song that DarksidE-555 added, it made it sound very aggressive, and your solo was kick ass. The drums were well executed as well, nothing off-timed here, and kept the energy of the song high. I would try and offer some sort of advice or criticism to aid you, but I don't have any. You are far beyond my skills as an artist. This is great work and a really frickin kick ass anthem!


Thanks for voting, soulmasking!
Current Score
4.44 / 5.00 (+ 0.21)

speedmetalmessiah responds:

Wow, this is a great review. I also loved the rhythm Darkside played, that's what really made this tune. Also most likely what got it used in Knights Of Rock, after all a out of key solo doesn't make a song for a rhythm game, hahahahaha. Glad you liked the tune bro, and I'm really not that great. Trust me with a bit of reading, practice, and just a bit of obsession you could know everything I know and most likely more. Thanks for the review.

Strangely I laughed...

So here we go with another as close to perfect as you can get song... it's review time!

The song ruled, while it seemed a bit more laid back lyric-wise than the one on darkside555's page. I oddly enough laughed... I found the eating sounds at the end to be quite funny, I didn't see that coming (my strange humor). I think this song is just as good as the other.

The guitar was awesome, the vocals on this one were again great, and the drums were not overwhelming and were well timed. Great job with the vocals man, I loved it.

5/5 10/10

Bad-Man-Incorporated responds:

Yeah, definitely a fun tune to do. Thanks for the awesome compliments and votE!
Thanks to mcrawnchies for the idea on the vocals too! hahaha. *BEEELLLCCHHHH*



This was pretty awesome. I don't really have much to say other than, it was fairly perfect. Just can't bring myself to call anything perfect... not sure there is such a thing. ANYWAYS, the guitar was sweet, the vocals (by bad-man) ruled, and the drums were not over-bearing and well timed. If I ever was to say there was a song that was so close to perfect you wouldn't be able to tell it wasn't... I would say it is this song. Great job.

5/5 10/10

DarKsidE555 responds:

Hehe, thanks for the cool review duder! May the bbqbeefburger's be with you!

Thanks as well for teh vote! \m/


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